Thursday, August 30, 2007


As a writer of sorts (self proclaimed of course) I’ve hit what some might call a hurdle or road block. For any of you that still remember that this little piece of heaven even exists you’ve by now realized it has been quite some time since I’ve left my self destructive thoughts to your amusement. This return to writing is probably inspired by another piece of work that also centers around a failure to produce. The new Showtime show Californication, starring the always entertaining David Duchovny, is a brilliantly engaging show that is neither politically correct nor socially acceptable. In its constant barrage of gorgeous models, their breasts, and the fast paced, filthy dialogue it has completely earned my praise. Duchovny’s character is an unapologetic, honest to a raunchy fault, pussy magnet that is still hopelessly in love with his ex and endearing around his daughter. He plays a writer that achieved fame when one of his books was made into a movie and he is repulsed by the rape that his work suffered in its transformation. One of the funniest scenes revolves around his merciless rant against the writer that destroyed his piece. Without wanting to reveal any of the intriguing plot lines or just flat out hilarious surprises I can assure anyone with a stomach strong enough to hold a conversation about pussy lips, cunnilingus, and pubic hair will be enthralled and pleased with what this show has to offer. It has real substance without sacrificing any entertainment value as I’m just as anxious to find out what direction he will try to go with his life as I am with what his next insult will be to his ex’s fiancé. Thus, I’d just like to conclude that Californication has earned the coveted Matt’s Seal of Approval and may now be watched by the tens of you that have read this blog and hang on every word I write. You are my disciples and I thank you for your courage and strength. Bonus points: It’s not regular HBO, it’s Showtime and as Duchovny so lovingly puts it, I’d say Showtime has totally “dickpunched” HBO with this sure hit.

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