Sunday, February 24, 2008

Ralph Nader…is this on repeat or something?

Ralph Nader, that pesky, third party icon and a hope for all pot heads looking for a legalization of cannabis has announced yet again he will be running for president. I readily admit I am no expert on politics and presidential elections, but I must say that in this election it seems to me a third party candidate is more of a publicity stunt then anything else. Americans seem to be once again impassioned by their presidential contenders, and I don’t readily see an environment of apathetic voters waiting for a candidate to emerge from the bipartisan fray to sweep them out of their malaise. Last election perhaps, however people seem to have a great deal of belief and ardor, especially on the democratic side where they are breaking all kinds of primary records for voter turn out. Nader mentions that he feels people are “disenchanted with the Republic and Democratic parties.” I certainly relate to where he’s coming from in that I believe we have spent enough time dividing the country into red and blue states instead of recognizing that we are in fact the UNITED States, but thus far this election has been one of the tamest in recent memory with the low blow slanders and shameless attacks refreshingly absent I think his timing might be a bit off. In this election cycle Nader offers little more then a distracting side show where there are already 3 very viable candidates with a great deal more support and governmental experience. And speaking of distracting side shows, I must reference Lindsay Lohan’s boobs. I hate to say it, but I think she actually gained more respect from me with the powerful nude display she released in New York magazine. Those soft, pale love pillows gave me a new found image of her…breasts. Now I must be honest; I did not read the article or see the actual magazine, just the photos on some celebrity website, but I must say the lighting was very professional and the tones were deftly intimate and sensual without being overtly sexual. Pure class from the raging marijuana, turned coke, turned drunken driving mess. Perhaps she’d make a good running mate for the Nader green machine. Him appealing to a movement that was within reach 10 years ago, and her appealing to an icon that was at her peak a half century ago.

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