Saturday, October 14, 2006

A comedy of the double X chromosome

Women, they are fuckin hilarious. They’ve managed to master an art of unreasonability and illogical thinking all the while making men feel bad about the decisions they make that involve rationality. What impresses me is not the lack of reason that goes into a woman’s thinking process, that much has been obvious for quite some time, but how they almost always manage to make us (men) feel bad about whatever it is that we’ve done. My mother has always been and still is a master of this technique using such subtle attacks as “stop attacking me,” “I wasn’t yelling,” and of course my favorite “I’m not angry I’m just disappointed.” These ridiculous phrases are the things that infuriate me and usually drive me to doing something I actually end up feeling sorry for. Women lure you in with these traps, of course I’ve had a bit more experience with this than with just my mother but she is the one that comes to mind most clearly. However, this has also been a problem with girls that I have been how shall I say, intimately involved with. There are a few that I think actually get off to this kind of idiotic argument/conversation. You say what you think is a harmless phrase, next thing you know you’re being called insensitive and cruel when you thought you were just asking a question this girl is trying to guilt trip you into apologizing till you admit that men are inherently evil creatures. Well my friends out there, don’t give into this game, we’ve got to fight back, that’s why I say never apologize to women. It is imperative that we learn to use their own tricks against them…even if it makes us seem gay. Now I know what you’re thinking…unless youre already gay, in which case you’re ahead of the game, but if you’re not you’ve got to understand that this is what women do to gain the power in a conversation, relationship, argument ect. As soon as you apologize you are by default admitting that you are the guilty one, you were wrong and thus everything they said was right. What kind of evil is this that won’t even let us be right? I implore those of you as men to stand up for our sense of reason and accountability and take a stand against this feminine nonsense, a conversation is a conversation and if you’re gonna cry because I’m so obviously right and you can’t take being wrong tough. Learn to live with it, cause I’m gonna be right a lot more than you can admit to your already microscopic self esteem.

Note: if you are a woman I’m just gonna go ahead and apologize in advance, I didn’t mean what I said and I think you look lovely today…new haircut?
2nd Note: if you are a man I’m just sayin sorry so I can still get ass from women, as a man you can understand that…but continue to fight the woman
3rd Note: if you are my mother I love you and I’m sorry…plus I really need my laundry done, im startin to run out of clothes.


bitingsarcasm said...

Women: can't live with 'em. Pass the salt, eh Busty?

Anonymous said...

This was pretty fucking omnisentacious if you ask me. Totally gnarly.