Thursday, October 12, 2006

Dear Diary,

Due to a request from a former acquaintance I will be taking this blog in a bit of a different direction with this post. This will be a stark change from the usual insulting, juvenile humor and will instead be a touching, sincere account of someone that has been a big influence in my life.
This particular person happened to be a former Resident Advisor of mine during my sophomore year of school. What I remember the most about her is not whether or not she had a life crippling drinking problem (she did), and not whether or not she hung out with self loathing, closet crying hipsters (she did that too), but that for some reason she was very entertaining to talk to. This is probably because she was one of the few people that laughed at my jokes, and I gotta tell you having someone think your funny is probably one of the greatest feelings in the world…aside from screwing your boss’s wife in your boss’s bed which is also particularly pleasurable. I didn’t talk to this person for most of the summer following that year and upon my return I discovered that she had run away to Korea. Now she often whined to me about wanting to find some nice asian guy to bring home to her parents or some shit, but I never thought shed go all the way to the Far East to find one, I figured Chinatown was good enough and that was why she kept living there. Apparently I greatly underestimated her need for real asian men. Now that shes in Korea I’ve found it immensely easier to avoid her while walking through the park, aside from that I do miss the occasional dinner she was able to get me and my friends as well as the meal plans after I’d run out. But the bottom line is I’m writing from the heart and my heart tells me that I’m hungry, no that’s the stomach, oh that’s right my heart tells me that you should hold on to people that make you feel good about yourself, because as I can attest I’ve got a number of friends but most of them only serve to pummel my already disappearing self esteem. Anyways this is a person that meant something to me in the time that I knew her. Now she’s just a shadow from my alcoholic corrupted past, but I hope wherever she is, she’s laughing at this post making me feel better about myself.


couturiette said...

oh. my. god. ha!!!!! you're priceless. and by priceless, i mean i always want to hug you and smack you really, really hard at the same time. love you!

bitingsarcasm said...

I should also clear up that Matt had no hand in writing this post, and that it was all me. Sadly, Matt's hands were otherwise occupied.

bitingsarcasm said...

My comment was better, because along with being mean it was a masturbation joke. Bonus.

couturiette said...

boys, i like how you managed to turn a heart warming bonding message between an RA and her ex-residents into a conversation about insulting each other and masturbation. good job.

it's my birthday this sunday!