Thursday, October 19, 2006

Top 13 Reasons to go to War with North Korea

1. Maybe we'll find oil.
2. Preventing Kim Jong Il from ever wearing those lame ass sunglasses again.
3. Pussy democrats won't be able to whine about not finding any weapons of mass destruction.
4. They're God hating communists that haven't seen the light of Christ or an A
5. My ex girlfriend was Korean and she totally dumped me...that bitch.
6. To support our troops.
7. Pearl Harbor.
8. Dick Cheney likes hunting in the far east.
9. Real World: Pyongyang this time the tension's nuclear...MTV fall 07
10. It'll distract from the huge failure of Iraq.
11. They're poor.
12. The war in Iraq is so last year.
13. To protect our borders.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your a fuckin idiot. korea didnt bomb pearl harbor it was japan you racist piece of shit