Tuesday, September 04, 2007

A last time for firsts

In a most likely fruitless attempt to add some consistency to my increasingly hectic life I will try to begin “blogging” a bit more regularly. I’m sure all of you readers out there are thrilled to hear this orgasmic news however I ask you to refrain from pleasuring yourself to my titillating diction for the simple fact that it would freak the shit out of me. However, if you are a woman who fancies herself an attractive and low expecting human being feel free to meet me in person and I can allow you to have your way with me -- my writing I mean -- in person- …with protection, but no tasers or mace please. Anyways, now that the administrative side has been taken care of I am free to tackle the issues of the day once again. Well as some of you may know I am a senior now, and not only that, a senior with only one semester left. Today was a bit of a tough pill to swallow as it was my last first day of classes in my tumultuous academic career. A career that has spanned 15 dissapointing years for my parents. You may not believe it from reading this fragmented and ungrammatical trash but I was once a student that showed much promise only to lose my direction along the way. My time has spanned from the highs of getting all A’s (once in like 6th grade when they put me in remedial classes because they thought I was retarded) to lows of getting suspended for a week ( in fifth grade I put dog shit in a kids lunch box and then lied about it…repeatedly, then got ratted out by that bastard jacobo). I’ve plied my trade in places as foreign and dirty as Mexico City to places as southern and white as Texas, back up to the haven of boredom that is the suburbs of New Jersey and finally into the vibrant and temptation filled New York City. Each stop has been a valuable addition to my shaping as a person and despite having problems with each of these places (some more than others) I have no doubt learned from my time in each of them. If I had to go back, I’d do it all over again…and over again and over again because for the love of God I am not ready for the real world. Not even fuckin close I mean I’m graduating and I gotta tell you I don’t have a fuckin clue. Not that I’m worried about it; I mean I’m cool I’ll be fine. I’m not crying, you’re crying. Pussy. By the way, Brian if you’re reading this I am sorry about that shit in the lunch box prank, I was young and stupid; you can totally take me off that people to kill list…but leave Jacobo on I heard he fucked your sister.

Peace bitches

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