Friday, September 15, 2006

11 Reasons why you should be a vegan:

1. The horrible suffering of animals which results from vicious meat eaters.
2. Thinking you’re making a difference.
3. Telling others that you think you’re making difference.
4. Telling others that you think they should be making difference.
5. Vegan restaurants…it’s better than a health club and more expensive for less.
6. The unparalleled ability to annoy all of those around you with whiny asinine conversations about the evils of fast food and America.
7. You totally got food poisoning that one time from that meat and it was God’s way of telling you that eating animals is wrong.
8. You’re anorexic and you want to add morality to your shrinking waste line.
9. You enjoy thinking you’re better than everyone.
10. You pity the fool.
11. Captain Planet.


couturiette said...

these lists are ridiculous, you sick bastards. i miss lafayette and you guys! korean guys in korea are handsome but do not make me laugh and also, do not speak english.

bitingsarcasm said...

This list was neither funny nor relevant. Your entire enterprise is childish, sophomoric, and pandering to the lowest common denominator. Not a single letter that has been presented on this page has been worth the fractions of pennies it has cost to be hosted. You are an insult to the concept of comedy and the tradition of the written word. I can only hope blogspot will shut this ridiculous excercise down as soon as possible. May God have mercy on your soul.

bitingsarcasm said...

Even putting aside the spelling mistakes and misuse of words, your response was, like you, woefully impotent.