Saturday, September 01, 2007

A Comedy of Dunces

Yet another senator, republican at that, has been caught how shall I say, with his pants down in an embarrassing sex act. Yes, Senator Craig I am referring to your little mishap with airport security. Not to approve whatever his lewd bathroom acts might have been but I am a bit surprised they are operating sex sting operations amid all of the terror scares in our country. Now I’m sure our dear old Christian fanatics would argue that the evils of sodomizers and all homosexual perversions are on an equal par with those godless Muslim jihadists dedicated to destroying our way of life for a much more boring, joyless one that they seem thrilled to live. However, I highly doubt a couple of old men with more stuff hidden in their closets than Paris Hilton has shoes in hers pose as much of a threat to us innocents riding in a highly crashable plane that terrorists do. Again, that’s not to say that I’d enjoy walking into an airport bathroom only to interrupt one man fellating another…then I’d probably have two reasons to be in the bathroom with the other to regurgitate my previous meal. Who knows, maybe terrorism isn’t the impending threat that it once was, maybe the war in Iraq is working, maybe Al Qaeda is disappearing, maybe who knows. I’ve never liked the idea of living in constant fear anyways. One thing’s for sure though, I can’t help but smirk thinking of how pissed those Republicans must be that there is yet another one of them involved in a homosexual sex scandal, those conservatives just can’t seem to get their Christian values right. Hell, they’re probably begging for a heterosexual Clintonesque sex scandal by now, but alas it seems only those liberal, abortion, gay loving democrats do the dirty with those of the opposite sex. Either way it’s an interesting time we live in when I hear on the news that this sex scandal, involving a senator that nobody had ever heard of could affect a presidential election when it’s not clear how any of the candidates (Republican or Democrat) had an ounce to do with this sexually confused senator. I can only imagine the conflict some voters must feel going into the polls now. Little old lady thinking about it, “Well Republicans hold more of my Christian values but…Republicans have also been caught in homosexual sex scandals. Lord please don’t send me to hell if I vote democrat.” Honestly with a nation in the midst of a costly (economic and more importantly in lives) war, floundering economy amid those pesky sub prime mortgages, health care that forgets the poor, and education that apparently forgets everybody I feel like there are plenty more issues to ponder when examining your candidates then whether one from his or her party has been involved in an airport bathroom sex sting. The only thing that is, is funny and I’m laughing already.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.